What's New: LAPAC Celebrates 25th Anniversary with COMMENDATION from Santa Monica Mayor

Secretary to the Board — Jonathan Kraut

The Secretary to the Board is responsible to, and reports to the Chairperson. It is the duty of the Secretary to give proper notice of all meetings of the Board of Trustees, to keep a current list of the Conservatory’s Trustees and their residence addresses, to keep a record of the appointment of all committees of the Board of Trustees, to prepare materials for meetings of the Board and to keep the minutes of all such meetings. The Secretary is the custodian of the seal of the Conservatory and shall affix the seal, or cause it to be affixed, to all agreements, documents and other papers requiring the same. The Secretary shall have custody of the minute book containing the minutes of all meetings of Trustees, and any other committees, which may keep minutes.

At LAPAC, Jonathan assists with and creates compliance standards and practices as per California Department of Education, SEVIS (Federal Visas), and National Accrediting requirements. He helps develop and format courses, programs, curricula, administration, and academic procedures for degree and certificate programs. In addition, he oversees organizational structures and the monitoring of educational delivery systems and assisted in the organization receiving degree granting status from the State of California. Prior to his relationship with LAPAC, Jonathan was the SENIOR ADMINISTRATIVE ANALYST, at the University of California, Los Angeles; the DEAN OF JUSTICE STUDIES at The American Institute in Phoenix, Arizona; the DIRECTOR OF ACADEMIC AFFAIRS at the Capital Training Institute in Albuquerque, New Mexico; the DIRECTOR of the PRIVATE SECURITY PROGRAM at the Career Blazers Learning Center in NYC, New York; the EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT at the National Association Of Security Professionals in Los Angeles, California; and the PRESIDENT of the Los Angeles Security Academy also in Los Angeles.

Relationship to the Conservatory: Jonathan also serves as the Chief Operating Officer of the Conservatory.