What's New: LAPAC Celebrates 25th Anniversary with COMMENDATION from Santa Monica Mayor

Bill Stierle

* Master’s Degree, St. Thomas University

* Bachelor of Arts, Emporia State University

* Teaches: The Character Key, The Pathology Key, Myth in Moves & the creative process

* 10 years performing arts experience

Bill Stierle has been teaching and training for over 37 years. He has studied human performance and the human condition with extraordinary mentors such as Marshall Rosenberg, Ned Hermann, Josesph Campbell, Robert Bly, Michael Mead, and many others.  He has delivered thousands of trainings from leadership, story development, conflict mediation, character development, business effectiveness, and decision making.  Groups small and large, including Fortune companies, professional associations, government organizations, and schools and universities have benefited from his practical trainings and impactful content.  Bill focuses on getting individuals to think, engage emotions, and learn effectively.  Using Joseph Campbelll’s mythic model, Ned Hermann’s Brain Dominance Model, and Marshall Rosenberg’s Nonviolent Communication, participants will experience extensive personal and professional growth with these impactful tools and techniques.  Bill brings natrual teaching enthusiasm and activities that participants are able to apply in their day to day communication and professional development to bring their best to their work.

His clients include Lotus Entertainment, University of Notre Dame, Los Alamos Laboratory, US Federal Mediators, Michigan Works!, TD Waterhouse, Teradata, and many others.